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Access past T2B content whenever you like

With the NEW T2B content archive


We get it: life as a biopharma comms pro can be hectic – especially if you’re in a role where you wear several hats during each working day and meetings appear in your inbox at short notice.

With the best will in the world, sometimes you just can’t make that webinar you’d signed up for months ago, no matter how much you were looking forward to it!

That’s why we wanted to ensure that you could access T2B content on-demand, allowing you to catch up and peruse many of our resources at your own convenience.

The T2B content archive is now LIVE for all T2B Pro and Student members, through the dashboard in the top nav bar when you’re logged into your account on our website.

Here, you’ll find an abundance of past online events and biopharma comms-specific resources, including:

  • Comm Convo replays

  • Recordings of media panels (including last year’s pre-JPM and Endpoints panels)

  • Biopharma Beats Bulletins reporter Q&As

  • Key takeaways and insights from all previous events (both online and offline!)

  • Our “Master Your Message” workshop

  • The “Science of Storytelling” webinar

  • My weekly videos

And remember, you can access all of these videos, bulletins, recordings, and resources as often as you like.

Happy reading (and watching!).


P.S: The content archive is open exclusively for T2B Pro members. To access this treasure trove of content, sign up for Pro here.

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